What is an ancestors-table

In an ancestors-table you search for the ancestors of one person. You search for his/her parents and for the parents of the parents and so on.

So an ancestors-table always has a fixed order and all persons get a fixed number.
The person you start with, gets number 1. His/her father gets number 2 and his mother number 3. Fathers father gets number 4 and fathers mother is number 5. Mothers father is number 6 and mothers mother number 7. And so and on.
Therefore a man/father always has an even number and a woman/mother always an uneven number (with the exception of person number 1).

You can figure out the number of one's parents: multiply his/her number by 2 for the father. To get mothers number, add up 1 to the fathers number.
As someone has the number 13, her fathers number is 2x13=nr.26 and her mother is 26+1=nr.27.


an example of an ancestors-table
8 = father of
9 = mother of
10 = father of
11 = mother of
12 = father of
13 = mother of
14 = father of
15 = mother of
4 = father's father
5 = father's mother
6 = mother's father
7 = mother's mother
2 = father of nr.1
3 = mother of nr.1
1 - The start-person

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Last modified: October 24, 2009
©2009 Tineke van Poortvliet